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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mortgage Modification Review Continues

This past couple of weeks I have faxed my most current check stubs, received another letter asking for my regular monthly mortgage payment and spoke with a couple different Customer Service Rep.s Both rep.s checked the status updates in the system, seeing no new information, updates or document requests. I am told to call Friday to confirm the sale dates has once again been extended as it is noted just 2 hours ago in the acct. that a request was put in. I am glad to hear my acct. is being worked on. I am told I am in review for the "home affordable plan" I do hope I am approved for this as I think it is a better modification then if the bank just gave me one of their modifications which don't have the strict government guidelines. My biggest fear would be that it would change randomly as I have heard this from other people getting modifications from banks. I do not see why I would not qualify. So I wait and keep praying.