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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Should I mail a mortgage payment in to Bank Of America?

I emailed Andre my HUD Counselor tonight about trying to make a payment on my mortgage. I know that my file is in a certain computerized system within Bank Of America and finding the account in the payment center would not be likely. However that being said I would have proof that I have attempted to make my mortgage payments and I think if I had to go to court it would be a tool in my favor. I will see what Andre has to say tomorrow about my thoughts. I know what I expect him to say. I know what he has told me once alreaady. That since I am in foreclosure my payment would just be returned to me. But will it help me in court to show the effort?
Below is the email I sent to Andre.

"My brother keeps insisting I should mail my old mortgage payment amount to Bank Of America. That even if it is sent back to keep sendig in the $1460 each month in an attempt to pay. To keep all the documentation if the check is returned so I can show the court that I can make my payments and have attempted to make my payments but that Bank Of America will not work with me. His point is that it will look better if I have to go to court. I admit if I do this at least he is correct I will have proof of attemting to pay my mortgage and I will also feel like I am doing something finally.

I know you said that they will most likely just mail it back and I also know how convoluted the banks system is and the department that recieves mortgage payments most likely will not have my mortgage information n their systems.
But I am feeling pressure to do something.
My online search of any successful Bank Of America HAMPS through a HUD Counselor is not proving any helpful information. I am trying to find any support that can help me feel a little more confident that my HAMP will go through. I am hearing almost daily that more and more foreclosures are happening and the gossip is that banks are avoiding working with homeowners to try to shift the finanial outlook to benefit the investor. Some are speculating nothing will happen until after the new year. I could really use some words of guidance and support if you have any. Thank you, I will call you after work tomorrow"

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