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Friday, March 18, 2011

It's Clear Bank Of America's Modification Dept.'s Do Not Communicate.

I am Ready to make my first mortgage payment on the HAMP that was offered me. April 1st is when it is due and a few days ago I received a Fed Ex packet from Bank Of America asking me if I want to request a home loan modification and if so to complete the packet provided! Really? Just how many of these useless Fed Ex packets are going out? How many thousands of dollars is wasted in the miss communication between BOA mortgage departments? I really do wonder because you know that cost is being charged to us, the consumers! It really just disgusts me to know end. I even received a telephone voice message reminding me to complete the packet. The voice message did not say "I will receive paper work via Fed Ex" the voice said "you received a Fed Ex packet" now if BOA can track appropriately when a package is received then why can it not communicate between departments effectively?
Oh wait, I know it is because Fed Ex is tracking not BOA. A daaaa....

Friday, March 11, 2011

The HAMP Offer

According to the documents I received on my HAMP offer. I will be short in my escrow account. So I am happy to send BOA a check for the amount to bring me up to par. It is my very first payment in over two years of any kind of payment going to my mortgage lender. I will next make my very first mortgage payment on the HAMP trial period on April 1st. I have never been this excited, relieved and happy to pay my mortgage!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An Offer From Bank Of America For The HAMP

Can it be true?! I am finally nearing the end of my mortgage modification nightmare?! Yesterday when I walk in my house the first thing I see, my new motorcycle seat and sitting on top of that box a Fed Ex letter from Bank Of America. My heart beats faster as always when I see one of these because you just don't know if it's the end of life as you know it or a refreshing sensible modification offer...
For me it is a sensible modification offer. I am beyond words as to why it took this long to get my life back. Oh I know the fight is not over yet. I still have to prove myself. I need to make three on time payments of the amount stated in the "trial period" so I for now am breathing a little bit better and have been celebrating inside by screaming "finally" to my inner self.
So what does this mean for the file being reviewed for an "in house" modification with Colby Gilbert? Since there has been failed communication between departments at Bank Of America I am pretty sure this will be the case. Unless of coarse and most likely my HUD Counselor Andre informs Colby of my offer from the HAMP Dept. of coarse I faxed everything to Andre for review. I know if anything looks even a little of kilter Andre will call fowl.
So I encourage anyone seeking a modification to review the suggestions I have on the left of this post and good luck to you. You have my prayers.

Monday, February 14, 2011

In Underwriting and Waiting Four To Six Weeks for a Hamp

I have been excited this past few days since speaking finally with both Veronica and Colby at Bank Of America. Even though they are in two separate departments, Veronica submitted my file to the Underwriter for the HAMP. Colby is working on prepping my file for an in house loan modification. I am going to have to call what I feel anxiousness and not excitement. Since there is no promise of a modification. Veronica is very kind and prompt since getting my file and has said that it will now take from submission date 2/10 another 4 to 6 weeks to receive a response in the mail as to the outcome. I am hopeful though because Veronica said If I or she has not heard anything from the Underwriter within 24 hours of submission that usually means they do not need anything else and that is a good sign. So I will keep saying my prayers at night, and periodically throughout the day too.
Now Colby is another story. This is the guy that is supposedly working with my HUD Counselor but Veronica has not heard of him and is unaware of that department that Andre said was assigned to his HUD Counseling office specifically to expedite files. Veronica said the fax number for him is a general fax number and anything received at that fax will take another few days to be uploaded in the system. I did call Colby for an update and to make sure he has everything needed. No call back yet. With Colby though I know that Andre is on it and keeps in close contact. And Veronica said she will be call Andre tomorrow, it feels good to have these three people as contacts at least something is happening.
So I wait 4 to 6 weeks and keep an eye on the sale date so as to extend it accordingly. Thankfully I have Andre also keeping watch. He really is a blessing and does take some of the stress off of me. I know he carries the weight of his clients and that must be tough.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Department Truly Is Working On My File?

I received a call yesterday at 5:30 from Veronica Kernan a very soft spoken and friendly professional. She told me she was working on my file in the home retention dept. and is getting ready to send it to the Underwriter. That she needed clearer copies of my last 2 check stubs. So I faxed immediately. I also confirmed nothing else was needed from me. Veronica said that she ordered my 4506 tax information from the IRS and that would be received in a couple of days and the file would be complete and once at the Underwriter I would be informed of this. I Then informed Andre my HUD Counselor who did not know who this person was and said he would call to speak with her. Today I got a call from Colby Gilbert saying that he needed me to re fax my most recent bank statement as the one in the file is not legible. Seeing a pattern hear? so without question and since it was a message and I didn't get to speak with him I faxed the documents immediately and I also faxed them to Veronica and to Andre. That way everyone has them and I'm covered. I also informed everyone that they each have my most current financial information.
To my surprise Veronica said she did not know who Colby Gilbert was and that she received a message from Andre Holcomb but also did not know who this person was. That there were no notes in my file in regard to these two individuals. I almost fell off my seat. I explained Colby was part of the "special team" assigned to my HUD Counselors office. Veronica searched more and "in another system" found a note but still did not know who Colby Gilbert is and said that files are sometimes sent to different departments with different programs in an effort to help fit a homeowner in a modification. Good enough excuse I thought here is someone that is a quick thinker. But of coarse I am not convinced this is the case. I firmly believe stalling is purposefully done for the benefit of the investors. Veronica did say different departments are working with different programs and in some programs the investor guidelines might be more lenient and the homeowner then able to get a modification. I am cool with any department reviewing as long as the outcome is a satisfactory modification with good terms.
So I am informing Andre of my conversation with Veronica. She is asking for a signed consent form from him to talk to me or she can not and will not speak with him. I did say being that we have been working with Colby Gilbert as long as we have one should be in my file... Any way I will let Andre know so he can do what is required. I am thankful I have someone else fighting for me too. So here we are finally two departments working on my file. Veronica for the HAMP and Colby for an in house modification. I'm saying my prayers, again it makes sense to modify my loan so I can get back on track paying my mortgage since job loss put me in this whole... the scary thing is we know the banks don't always do what makes sense or what is best for the community.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Another Message Left At BOA. Then Called Mr. Lemke

Made my telephone call to Colby Gilbert this morning, left another voice message. Today I spoke with Gregory Lemke read how Mr. Lemke fought back
I am awaiting the outline of Mr. Lemke's success at getting a satisfactory loan modification with Bank Of America. It seems that I have started on the right track since I have already contacted the OCC. Now I will write to my Senator for support and look into Pre Paid legal Service. I can not tell you why I did not think of this before. Thank you Gregory!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bank Of America Modification Reviewers are Always "Out Of Office"

Well Colby Gilrbert did not return my call today, I did get a message at 2:40 from Sue Ericksen saying that she is "assisting Colby Gilbert with his messages but that she does not have a call back number for herself. And that Colby is out of the office today but to try to call him back on Monday." So that is what I will do.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who Can Help Force Bank OFAmerica To Do The Right Thing?

After a couple days of "I'll call you right back" from my HUD counselor Andre. I finally get a call back and of coarse there is no news. The now almost expected "still in review" is all I get. So I tell my HUD counselor that I am feeling at a loss and am wanting to call the reviewer myself and Andre suggest to call Cody Gilbert every 10 days. Hmmmm why now is he saying "yes" to calling when initially he said that I did not need to and that he would keep in contact with Cody Gilbert on a regular basis. And what about the "special team" that was supposedly put together to work especially with the HUD Counselors referrals? I am very distraught, but what else is new...
So I call Cody Gilbert this morning and of coarse I do not get a same day call back. Let's see if I get a call tomorrow.
What else am I to do? I sent a complaint to the OCC, I emailed and left a voice message for the CEO Bryan T. Moynahan at Bank Of America and got a useless call back from Alicia Corosco the "Asst. to the CEO" Big woop a lot good any of that did. I never got a response from the CEO Brian T. Moynahan himself and Alicia did not even remember our first conversation treating me very condescendingly on the second phone call to her. To be treated in such a manner that leaves your heart aching because you were made to feel like you were nothing and that makes you feel like your for sure not going to be able to keep your home because obviously this person along with everyone else I have spoken too for the most part within The Bank Of America machine has belittled me and written me off as a worthless person not deserving of their time let alone responsible enough to own a home.
I haven't been able to find an Attorney willing to even call me back unless I'm waving $5000 in cash. A sad situation for all of us hard working do the right thing Americans.
Does it even matter that were voters anymore? Can the voters even salvage the mortgages at this point? How many families will be left out in the cold while financial institutions grow stronger?

Monday, January 24, 2011

File A Complaint With The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Here is the link file a complaint online with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency the "OCC"
Another desperate online search for help of coarse brings a slurry of blogs and Attorneys offering various things to try but if your looking for an Attorney and you don't have 5k for a retainer it's not going to happen. My attempts so far at getting an Attorney to even respond have gotten no where to date. Filing a complaint with the OCC at least makes me feel like I'm doing something. I have done the talk to every customer service rep under the sun even the ones in foreign countries. I've email and spoke on the phone to Alicia Corosco the Assist. to the BOA CEO Brian t. Moynahan and had two un nerving conversation with her making me feel like an insignificant little bug she had no use for. I have sought the help of a HUD counselor which also has not moved my file along anymore then if he weren't helping me. We both are in limbo. I emailed the President, yes that's right President Barack Obama and got back what clearly was an auto response email. My name has "been added" to a suit against BOA in Colorado. But since they did not ask for any information I doubt much will be done for me and my situation personally.
So filing a complaint whenever I can is all I can do at this point.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why The Banks Will Not Negotiate Your Home Loan

Another call to my HUD Counselor proves uneventful. No news is good news I suppose. I get the usual " I spoke with Colby today and he says my loan is still in review" Colby is the man assigned to my case and thankfully it has not changed for the past few months. I have gone through a number of different "reviewers" over this long process. Being told "the case load is too high for that reviewer and another reviewer has been assigned...."
I have decided to seek Counsel to find out once and for all if there really is nothing I can do but sit with my life on hold full of stress, anger, sadness and frustration. There has got to be some recourse for the millions of home owners sitting stagnant while constantly feeling the threat of homelessness. This feeling is indescribable.
I have seen this video of an explanation as to why banks want to short sale our homes and are not trying to help homeowners get a modification see it here foreclosure video This is very scary since it does make sense and gives homeowners an understanding why were are getting the run around. So if this is true, what can we do about it? Who do we talk to? How do we protect ourselves?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Like Today's Housing Market America is In Distress...

The more I think about how my life is on hold while Bank Of America keeps moving my file from desk to desk or maybe even never moving my file at all. But rather just piling other files on top of my own and not giving my file a first thought. I go through many different thoughts and many different feelings. From feeling sad to very sad, to this is too stressful to think about, don't think about it... to angry, to very angry, to extremely angry and at that point on occasion I have looked online to see what other homeowners have done hoping to find some positive out comes that will help me feel better and not so stressed out all the time and just maybe remind me why I put my life on hold and that saving my home, the home I have raised my children in and is the solace where my family still gathers to be thankful for the ones that are still employed and that we all are in good remind me why I allow myself to still tolerate the stress and remain at the mercy of Bank Of America. I love my family and many depend on me. I can not see myself giving up. I also can not see my self not fighting back. Not because I am angry but because the treatment not only I am experiencing but thousands of homeowners and families across America are also experiencing. I feel I must do something if only to help others to know that they too should be treated better and can demand fiduciary treatment by any institution. Now where to start and who to talk to? I am already working with a HUD Counselor, someone I thought would be able to help me get my mortgage modification. I am aware that Financial institutions are not required by law to abide by HUD Counselors recommendations. However knowing that HUD has trained Counselors to assist homeowners with requesting mortgage modifications. Wouldn't it make sense to go through the files that have been submitted by a qualified HUD Counselor in order to assist and expedite the mortgage modification process? Would it not make sense that files submitted by these Counselors have been groomed meaning put together so that the institution can do a review and validate the numbers with financial documents included and move the file out to be modified? It really is that simple. These companies can employ hundreds of people in foreign countries to handle Customer Service then why can the institutions not provide enough people to review homeowners requests for modification in a timely manner?
I for one want to know exactly just how much in penalties and late fees has my own loan gone up. Including the late fees and penalties for my home owners insurance and property taxes. If Bank Of America had given me my modification early last year when the Bank had confirmed they had everything they needed and "I was in review" then I would not have racked up all those fees and penalties. Since BOA is causing these fees and penalties to accrue then BOA should also be held liable...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It Is Clear Bank Of America Is In Support Of Investors Not It's ConsumersA

I have not written in awhile, it can be depressing constantly writing that I still have no answer and am supplying all my financial documents timely and efficiently in hopes for a successful mortgage modification.
I also do my best not to read any news about the current mortgage modification process and specifically anything about Bank Of America. It is even more depressing, there are so many reports about families losing their homes after a long await for a modification even when these home owners are just as compliant as myself.
So the bottom line is there is no rhyme or reason as to who gets a modification and who does not. I have received mortgage statements from Bank Of America asking for late payments at the original payment which in my case is a principle and interest payment only. Not including any taxes and insurance. From what I have been informed by my HUD Counselor Andre, I qualify for the HAMP because specifically the taxes and insurance take me above the 31% debt to income ratio among other requirements that I meet. And I have said time and time again to Andre, to Wilshire the previous note holder and to Bank Of America, let me make the payment just modify the loan to include the taxes and insurance... This I agree I can afford! Why is this taking so long? is the Banking institution really holding the note and extending a mortgage modification in order to reap the benefits of late fees? According to Yahoo Finance's posting on December 27th at 08:08 am EST written by Gretchen Morgenson who writes about a young couple Robert and Amy that had the rare positive results of a mortgage modification. Gretchen writes about "some who are prospering from foreclosures, loan servicers can charge lucrative fees when pushing borrowers into foreclosure so there is little to no incentive to modify any mortgages when the outcome is financial loss in income from fees. so the reality is that the HAMP is INEFFECTIVE! I repeat INEFFECTIVE and this is according to the Congressional panel..."
Again I ask you the people what are we going to do about this? I for one will not be quiet. I will talk to anyone who will listen and will help anyone that I can.
This past Saturday I received another late payment statement only this time it was asking for a much larger payment $2878.28 to be exact. What did Bank Of America just pop this number out of a machine? This is so random, where did this number come from? My past monthly payment was only $1464 and now I am billed
an amount that makes no sense. I was never called, never contacted via mail or otherwise. No explanation just a statement for $2878.28 it also states a negative escrow balance of $12,307.21 which by the way I was paying my homeowners insurance through my insurance company but Bank Of America cancelled that. Andre told me that is so they can sell my home if need be! So does Bank Of America want to help home owners? NO
The statement also showed a past due amount of $35,463.50 now Andre assures me that's nothing compared to some of the numbers he has seen and has still been able to get modified. So I am hopeful. But what of this amount has been added on since I have been "in review" for a modification? This is exactly what the article I speak about on Yahoo Finance is talking about. Why do we have to pay the late fees that accrued due to the banks poor processing of our modifications?