I have not written in awhile, it can be depressing constantly writing that I still have no answer and am supplying all my financial documents timely and efficiently in hopes for a successful mortgage modification.
I also do my best not to read any news about the current mortgage modification process and specifically anything about Bank Of America. It is even more depressing, there are so many reports about families losing their homes after a long await for a modification even when these home owners are just as compliant as myself.
So the bottom line is there is no rhyme or reason as to who gets a modification and who does not. I have received mortgage statements from Bank Of America asking for late payments at the original payment which in my case is a principle and interest payment only. Not including any taxes and insurance. From what I have been informed by my HUD Counselor Andre, I qualify for the HAMP because specifically the taxes and insurance take me above the 31% debt to income ratio among other requirements that I meet. And I have said time and time again to Andre, to Wilshire the previous note holder and to Bank Of America, let me make the payment just modify the loan to include the taxes and insurance... This I agree I can afford! Why is this taking so long? is the Banking institution really holding the note and extending a mortgage modification in order to reap the benefits of late fees? According to Yahoo Finance's posting on December 27th at 08:08 am EST written by Gretchen Morgenson who writes about a young couple Robert and Amy that had the rare positive results of a mortgage modification. Gretchen writes about "some who are prospering from foreclosures, loan servicers can charge lucrative fees when pushing borrowers into foreclosure so there is little to no incentive to modify any mortgages when the outcome is financial loss in income from fees. so the reality is that the HAMP is INEFFECTIVE! I repeat INEFFECTIVE and this is according to the Congressional panel..."
Again I ask you the people what are we going to do about this? I for one will not be quiet. I will talk to anyone who will listen and will help anyone that I can.
This past Saturday I received another late payment statement only this time it was asking for a much larger payment $2878.28 to be exact. What did Bank Of America just pop this number out of a machine? This is so random, where did this number come from? My past monthly payment was only $1464 and now I am billed
an amount that makes no sense. I was never called, never contacted via mail or otherwise. No explanation just a statement for $2878.28 it also states a negative escrow balance of $12,307.21 which by the way I was paying my homeowners insurance through my insurance company but Bank Of America cancelled that. Andre told me that is so they can sell my home if need be! So does Bank Of America want to help home owners? NO
The statement also showed a past due amount of $35,463.50 now Andre assures me that's nothing compared to some of the numbers he has seen and has still been able to get modified. So I am hopeful. But what of this amount has been added on since I have been "in review" for a modification? This is exactly what the article I speak about on Yahoo Finance is talking about. Why do we have to pay the late fees that accrued due to the banks poor processing of our modifications?
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