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Monday, August 23, 2010

More Waiting As My File Gets Shuffled Around

I speak to Andre today and am told he was just noting my file. He said that he spoke to the Rep. at Bank Of America and was told my file is being asigned to "the right person" and that there should be follow up contact by either Thursday or Friday. I ask if this is typical and should I have anything to worry about? Andre assures me not to worry that this is not uncommon.I am also told that he requested an extention of the sale date 8/30. I am so tired of feeling the weight of stress. I say thank you and try to go back to my day. It is not a wonder why more people have not had heart attacks from the stress alone. Still I figure no news is good news right? At least that is what I am praying for. The reality is what kind of life can one have when their afraid to spend on anything other then the absolute essentials? Any other kind of spending comes with guilt and regret since the not knowing leaves no room for enjoyment or indulgence. I'm not saying that I want to go out and spend money on things I don't need. I don't have that problem. But I do have a hard time keeping what little savings I am able to manage to save in the bank. Like this past week. My water heater broke so there goes several hundred dollars. And you can't even be sure you get to keep the house your putting money into! You can't take any chances this modification could go on for several more months so you do what you have to and replace it. Then the tags for the vehical that gets you to work and back are due. Yes it's a few hundred more. And before you know it your back down to $40 bucks in the bank. And up goes the stress as your diminished savings was at least a little comfort. Now there is no comfort. If I had my mortgage to pay at least I would be comforted knowing my mortgage is paid and I could borrow to cover the rest. But at this rate nope not a chance.

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