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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Trying To Get A Home Modification & Having To Start Over!

This past week I received two separate packets from Bank Of America. Both appeared to have been automatically generated and mailed. By that I mean there was no letter written personally to me that was clear as to why I was receiving a packet not once but twice. With a generic letter saying If you are interested in being considered for a Bank Of America Home Modification or to be considered for the HAMP program to follow the instructions and complete the documents supplied and return with all supporting financials. When I received the first packet I contacted Andre who chuckled when I said no to his question of did I fill it out? I had dropped the packet off to his office. I was a bit perturbed with Andres response since common sense tells me not to waste my time with paperwork I'm not even sure is necessary yet. Right? I reminded Andre that Bank Of America had all of my financials to date and that nothing has changed except for my auto insurance up by like only $50 or so. Andre said he had all the information in my file and would call BOA the following day and get back to me. I of coarse would complete anything necessary to get this moving. Well two days later I did not get a call and I received the second packet, exactly the same documents inside but this one had a return Fed Ex packet. So I call Andre and we meet the next morning complete the documents and provide all the financials requested. We do this because according to Andre it is not uncommon that I would receive an automatic computer generated packet. And that it is essentially better safe then sorry so follow the redundancy and complete the packet...
Andre has been working with a different department assigned to his company Sacramento Urban League HUD Counseling and said that he has had good results so far and a fairly prompt response when working with a regular bank modification (non HAMP). The HAMP still is taking too long. So many of the banks are offering "inside modifications" and this is comparative to the HAMP or in some cases better. I am hopeful to get a response toward the end of February. But I'm not going to hold my breathe.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is Suing Bank Of America The Answer?

I am so frustrated and angry at Bank Of America and the Corporate machine the bank is all about. Clearly it is an institution which the sole focus of making money for it's share holders. And do you believe it those shareholders are crying foul and expecting the public to view them as victims also! read about it here Really!? I say no way. The Shareholders, The Investors and everyone who had a hand dealing with mortgages. From solicitors to closers everyone is under the umbrella of the code of ethics. Now let's enforce this code and hold them accountable. If anyone is going to invest there hard earned money into something, anything they should understand and know what the legalities are behind their investments.

I am so angry with how American Citizens are being treated and families are being discounted like spoiled food in a refrigerator and thrown out because you can't serve it up to eat! I haven't the words appropriate to share that are not clearly said just to hear myself expressing the hostility I feel towards "the system"...
Enough rambling. Below is a copy of my email to Andre my HUD Counselor that was emailed just before this post.

"Hello Andre, I stopped by your office today and left a packet with the Receptionist. I received yesterday a Fed Ex packet from BOA. Probably a computer generated marketing ploy. But it sure made me angry. My biggest fear is that I will end up like so many others you hear about that have been told their information was never received or was lost. And the homeowner ends up having to constantly fax and re fax information only to end up foreclosed upon. I am wondering why after being in their system for a year and never getting any contact or response to my inquiries with any substantial information other than "all my information is up to date and nothing more is requested at this time" which I know because I am diligently faxing in any updated financial information that might get my account closer to a modification. Why am I now getting letters in the mail? To me, this tells me my account information can not be updated in the Bank Of America system or I would not be getting letters from BOA that are soliciting something I have been asking for for a year now and at least a year with my previous Investor which was bought by BOA.

I ask you Andre who do I contact to straighten this out? What information have you been provided with so far? Is this common practice? I do not want to end up like so many having to provide documents that have already been provided..."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Phone Calls Are Of No Use

I am now not getting timely return calls from my HUD Counselor. I imagine he is swamped with his case load of homeowners in the same situation as I am. And I also imagine his phone calls to Bank Of America like mine are also not returned in a timely manner... All I can think is common sense tells me my HUD counselor has not received any response to his telephone calls either and therefore has no new information to provide me with.
I try not to read the news on home owners struggles with their banks as I rarely come across any positive out comes. I am reading things like the bank reneged on the agreement and foreclosed the home right under the homeowner who made all the agreed upon payments...
What are we too do? Suing has not made any welcome changes for the communities. Who will give us the help we need to take back the homes we have lived in for years or even decades?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Faxing Financials Diligently And Getting No Where.

When I have not posted to this blog for a few days it is because I have no news to update with. For now my life consists of weekly to bi weekly faxes of any and all financial documentation that I have or receive. I forward everything to Andre at The Sacramento Urban League HUD Counseling Center. I have started to receive monthly mortgage statements, I got another one in the mail yesterday. All I can do is fax to Andre and continue my prayers that with my due diligence and commitment I will eventually get a satisfactory modification from Bank Of America. I am as terrified as the next home owner in my situation.
Nothing makes sense, I read so much in the media, on other blogs, in the newspaper but nothing gives even a hint as to how we are all going to reap the benefits of the financial bail out. What I am reading is how "the investors need to approve the modifications". How "it must look good to the investors" when really I think why is the investors bottom line the deciding factor? Why if the government bailed out the financial institutions and are holding them accountable to providing homeowners with modifications. Shouldn't "the investors" that bought up mortgage bundles in droves hoping to capitalize on the homeowners long term payments also be held accountable? By not examining those bundles closely before buying they were telling other investors it's safe and lucrative follow my lead all they cared about was their bottom line and that they make money. This drove the market "Those investors" should also be held accountable and not be protected by our government. Bottom line is homeowners need to stay in their homes and the ones that need to take a loss if any should be the financial institutions and the investors. People that not only themselves but the community hold to a higher standard of education and understanding of long term effects for the global financial future of our country.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Still Getting Nowhere With The CEO Asst. at BOA

I spoke with Alicia Corosco yesterday and she had no information for me on my account. She did say she left a voice message for Colby Gilbert my account reviewer and that she has not received a call back yet.
I told Alicia that I had faxed copies of letters I received on Friday the week before from Bank Of America. One that looked like it was one of those automatic computer generated letters. It was an "important message from Bank Of America about my loan saying that if I was having problems paying my loan to give Bank Of America a call right aways so that I could consider several options 1. loan modification 2. repayment arrangements 3. deed-in-lieu 4. short sale/ payoff. Really are they serious!? And also on Friday I received a second letter. This one is a mortgage statement, yes a regular mortgage billing statement. I wondered if it would be to my benefit to mail in a payment and see if they would accept. But of coarse I fear never getting a resolution which would be a travesty and BOA would keep my payment...
Of coarse I'm angry that it is clear BOA is so disorganized and the departments do not communicate with each other that it is a waste of my time and theirs. Imagine the costs involved. BOA is paying out thousands to unqualified account "reviewers" that do not even know what their doing. If this were not the case why then are home owners still up in arms going nowhere, life on hold, unable to make important decisions while putting everything on hold awaiting the outcome of their future? A decision made my half a system half un educated people many of whom don't even live in America!?
At one point in a conversation with Alicia she had noted "maybe the investors had not made a decision on my account yet" who are these investors and why can't I speak with them? If Bank Of America is going to blame the hold up on "the investors" shouldn't we be communicating with them and hold them accountable?
I told Alicia I faxed copies of everything to Andre my HUD Counselor. This time Alicia was not so personable or professional. She seemed annoyed with my call Alicia told me " well Bank Of America is not going to stop what their doing just because you asked for a modification" I don't think she understood what I was asking. I wanted to know why a letter and bill would be generated when I was never in their billing cycle in the first place and that since being bought from my previous lender had been in "modification review" again Alicia was condescending and said "even if you ask for a modification the bank is not going to stop what they do" And this is the Assistant to the CEO! WOW doesn't that say a lot about the kind of people and there level of professionalism? Just who do these people think they are? I bet if they were in our shoes they would be just as desperate as the rest of us for answers.
I didn't even tell explain to her that my life is on hold until BOA makes a decision. I can not enroll in college classes, college is expensive these days and I need to know what I can afford to make those kinds of choices. I would like to purchase a used motorcycle ( a longtime dream) but of coarse that would be deemed a frivolous irresponsible purchase...
It seems the David Write lawsuit is not fearing any better.
Would standing out in front of the banks with huge picket signs naming names of those we spoke with that are getting us know where help?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wrong Alicia at Bank Of America

My last post talked about Alicia the Assistant to the CEO of Bank Of America. After a bit of phone tag I finally spoke with Alicia yesterday and it is Alicia Corosco not the one named in the last post. i explained to Alicia C. My predicament and Alicia was very professional(maybe on the first call she was having a bad day. But at first she said she could not find my account as even being in a modification review. But then she finally did find my file. She said that there were no notes in my account stating that I have been reviewed and denied for any programs. She did state she was glad to hear I was now being reviewed for an in house modification as opposed to the HAMP. Alicia confirmed what Andre my HUD Counselor said which is that an "in house modification" is usually quicker and per Andre in some cases can be a better modification in terms then the HAMP. Alicia said that she would see if she could get more information on the status of my modification process "maybe the investors had not made a decision yet" And that she would get in contact with the third party helping me, meaning Andre. So today I spoke with Andre who said he has not received any messages or calls from Alicia yet. And all Andre could tell me is the same thing he has been telling me since I started working with him. Which is "he has not heard anything new yet, I am still in review, no new documentation is needed at this time and my sale dates has been postponed. I am hoping that with the actual complaint filed directly online with the bank as well as to the CEO and the mention of the lawsuit that I support John Write vs. B of A lawsuit. I will get some finalization. Alicia at least was understanding of my dilemma and gave some comfort in that. I now await a phone call from anyone that will help me.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Will Bank Of America Help Me?

In a desperate attempt to get some kind of help dealing with Bank Of America. Something I have done on several occassions an internet search for lawsuits or groups working to support homeowners. I ran across John Wriites blog

So I followed his advice and I emailed a complaint to Bank Of America's CEO @ I also emailed a copy to John Write @ and I submitted my complaint directly on the Bank Of America complaint website. The very next day I recieved a phone call from Brian Moynihan's Assistant Alicia Parker, that is how Alicia introduced herself "The Assistant to Bank Of America's CEO". And I know she looked up my account information because she called me at work and I did not leave my work number in my complaint. Unfortunaletly she called me on the crisis line and I did not have the ability to speak with her at that time. So she said she would be available the next day when I am off work. After working out the time difference (she is in Texas 3 hours ahead) I was assured by Alicia she would be in the office late and available for my call.

I was a bit leary of this person since the call was a complete surprise and Alicia was not very professional on the phone. And I have had a recent incident at work with a collection company that started harrassing me at work on an acct. that is almost 7 years old from when I was divorced... And because I did not leave my work number for contact. So I looked her up on the internet just to calm my nerves. And Alicia showed up on LinkedIn and yes her official title according to her LinkedIn profile she is an "Account Manager at Bank Of America" So I am now excited to speak with Alicia. I did call after work but I got her voice mail and left a message for a return call. I kind of expected that I would not reach her since she had stated she would be working late. A late night call never seems to connect. Luckily I am off on Monday and I will be able to call first thing in the morning. I do hope Alicia can help me.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Completely Pissed Off At Bank Of America

I received taped to my door a notice of trustee's sale and I recieved also today 4 certified letters From Quality Loan Servicing of "notice of trustee's sale" AND today I also recieved 4 letters in the regular mail from Quality Loan Servicing "notice of Trustee's sale". This has happened before when I had previously been able to negotiate in the past. How is it that the loan servicer can get all these letters delivered to my door on the same day and at the same time? Yes a total of 8 letter's all delivered on the same day within minutes of each other. Four via certified mail, four via regular mail and one hand delivered and taped to my door. Of coarse I am beside myself with anger. I have been trying to get the bank to take my money for two years now. I spoke to Andre at the HUD Counseling center who really could not explain and just said fax them to him and he would get to the bottom of it. Well that does not make me feel any better especially when we last spoke he informed me that my sale date had been completely haulted and I would not have to worry about extending any sale dates as the bank is reviewing thousands of mortgage foreclosures. So what happened? Why am I back on the chopping block with a date in the middle of November?! What Lawyer would be willing to take on Bank Of America? Something seriously needs to be done about the way families are being treated. It is un ethical and inhumane. My son is the one who showed me the letters taped to the door. Is that really ok with these bankers? Causing stress not only to the adults in the household but to the children as well? My neighbor had someone come to her door and she was shocked. Prior to that her children did not what she was trying to do with her home. Why can't we have strick guidelines about how homeowners are contacted especially in this mortgage climate. It is a difficult task I know but don't the families deserve the respect. Where is our government! No bail out for millions of American families!
Andre has said if I am not qualified for the Obama "HAMP" Home Affordable Program. He has some other options. Like renting back. Now how does that make any sense at all? Rent back my home? The home that I have owned for more than 10 years? Obsurd! Anyone anyone at all have any ideas? I am ready to do anything. I submitted my name long ago to a lawsuit and all I got was an auto generated response. A copy is below. It is all I have to feel as though I am doing something. The honest truth, I am not sure using a HUD Counselor is helping my situation at all...

"Ladies and Gentlemen:

You are receiving this e-mail because you have contacted HBSS regarding the BOA Home Loan Modification litigation. Due to the voluminous number of inquiries I am grouping several of your names into one e-mail. I have placed your e-mail addresses in the BCC line in order to protect your confidentiality.

Thank you for contacting Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro regarding the lawsuit concerning loan modifications. You can review a copy of the Bank of America litigation by clicking on one of the following links, Washington Complaint or California Complaint. The cases, filed in U.S. District Court, claims that Bank of America systematically slows or thwarts homeowners' access to Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds by ignoring homeowners' requests to make reasonable mortgage adjustments or other alternative solutions that would prevent homes from being foreclosed.

We will ask the court to certify a class of Washington and California homeowners who were entitled to loan modifications from Bank of America, but have not received permanent modifications. The court may or may not agree to certify this class, or may redefine the class in a more limited manner. This process will take several months at a minimum. You will receive notice from the Court if your situation qualifies as part of the defined class. There is no need to affirmatively join this class action. We will keep your information on file and will contact you in the event additional information or a declaration is necessary.

The primary purpose of this litigation is to force Bank of America to give people who qualify the loan modification they should have given by now. This litigation will not stop any foreclosure on its own. Individuals facing foreclosure should contact a local consumer action attorney to represent their individual case. You should pursue your own avenues regardless of this class action.

While we hope to expedite this case as much as possible, however the reality is that class actions can take 2 to 5 years to be resolved by the Courts. It is imperative that each potential class member take charge of their own destiny outside of this action. The last thing we want is to instill a false sense of hope in anyone that this class action will have an immediate impact on their individual circumstances.

Whether or not your situation will ultimately qualify as part of the class, you should continue to try to work with your loan servicer to obtain a permanent loan modification and you should continue to make all required mortgage payments.

If you are a Washington or California resident there is nothing more you need to do with respect to this litigation at this time. If you are from Arizona or Oregon please review the following.

We remain interested in speaking to additional people in the event additional class representatives are required and possibly regarding a similar action in Arizona and Oregon. In order to be considered as an additional class representative/lead plaintiff, you must meet all of the following criteria:

You must be seeking a modification of a loan secured by your primary residence (no investment properties);

Your loan must have originated prior to 2009;

You must have sought modification from your lender (servicer) after April 2009;

If you received a temporary loan modification offer, you accepted the offer (signed and sent in);

If you accepted the offer of a temporary modification, you timely made all required payments of modified amount;

And you have not received a final loan modification.

If you fall within the qualifiers listed above please send us the following:

1) Copies of any and all correspondence (letters or e-mails) between yourself and your bank.

2) Copies of your original loan documents.

3) Copies of your temporary loan modification agreement and proof you made the temporary payments.

4) Please also note whether you were required to make an up front payment (whether of a fee or of a full, unmodified payment) in order to be considered for the trial period?

Thank you for your interest in this litigation.

For those of you in Washington State facing foreclosure you might find the below helpful:

Home Foreclosure Legal Aid Project:

What is the Home Foreclosure Legal Aid Project?
In response to the current foreclosure crisis facing our state, the Washington State Bar Association in partnership with the Northwest Justice Project is coordinating a statewide pool of volunteer lawyers trained in foreclosure prevention who have agreed to provide free advice and representation to homeowners with foreclosure related legal problems.

How do people qualify for these services?
An important aspect of the project is that it will extend legal services to moderate-income homeowners who are within 200% to 400% of the federal poverty guidelines. Simply put, this translates to about an $88,000 annual income for a family of four. By providing legal assistance at a critical time, volunteer lawyers may be able to prevent these individuals from dropping below 200% of the poverty level and ending up with more legal problems than possible foreclosure.

How does it work?
Prospective clients access our services by calling the Homeownership Information Hotline at 1(877) 894-HOME (4663). Callers are then transferred to trained housing counselors who determine whether callers are potentially eligible for assistance with a loan modification. Callers with legal issues are referred to our legal team at the Northwest Justice Project for further review and potential case assignment to one of our volunteer lawyers.

Aline B. Carton| Home Foreclosure Legal Aid Project Manager
Washington State Bar Association
( 206.727.8204 | *
1325 Fourth Avenue, Suite 600 | Seattle, WA 98101 |

Best regards,

Larry Kunzler | Investigator
Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP
1918 Eighth Avenue, Suite 3300 - Seattle, WA 98101
Direct: (206) 268-9368 | "

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beware The Collection Agency Tactics

Out of the blue I am now getting collection calls from an account that is almost 7 years old. I have prided myself in the fact that I have not run up debt. Yes I had some difficulty in the past but have been very careful not to repeat myself. I am imformed that I may not have enough debt for the HAMP qualifying, I just barely squeezed into the program. So if I had owed much more debt it might have been grounds for the bank to work with me in a modification because it would have significantly shifted my qualifying ratios. Instead my careful spending with no debt leaves me just within the margin of qualifying for HAMP. Now I am faced with trying to not change my financial situation. I fear if I make more income it will boost me out of the HAMP.
Other friends and family have said that they too are receiving collection calls from years old accounts. They have said that they beleive the collection companies are as desperate as the rest of the nation and are imploying all deviant tactics to scare the consumer to promising a payment.
Do not fall for the harrassment of a collection agency. You have many tools at your hand to stop them. Read the link provided to educate yourself and prevet the harrassment. Also file a complaint with the FCC
You should not be pressured into anything. Protect your rights and fight back.

Oh and by the way, I spoke with Andre yesterday and he said again he has not heard anything from Bank Of America but the in my case the "foreclosure sale is cancelled" Andre also said that he again requested acceleration of my case. I felt I had to say "well that has been done at least four times so it proves a non useful tool" I felt it had to be said out loud even though I know he felt the same. But what else can he tell me?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Are Many Banks Haulting Foreclosures?

I read on the internet that A Lawyer had discovered GMAC using "robo-signers" in essense someone was signing the approval of thousands of foreclosures. The "robo-signer's" signature is stating he/she validates the documents as reviewed to be correct and in order. But this has not been the case the "robo-signer" has signed thousands of foreclosure documents without even knowing the individual cases. This is appalling. Families are displaced, uprooted and broken up with absolutely no consideration from the banking institutions. Thankfully one Lawyer was able to take note and stand up. A little too late for thousands of homeowners but not too late for thousands more.
I continue to be amazed at how those with the money are so careless when it comes to families. Really? For convenience and savings thousands of families have lost their homes and no one is going to fix that for them? This is un acceptable, what can be done to help those families now? Thousands of families are now paying rent to investors and making the rich richer. This is not boosting our economy, to the contrary. It is creating a nation of distrust in our government who is not moving fast enough to save the people it works for. Our government who continues to give our money away to these corporate giant without setting clear defined guidelines to assure the public is the priority and not cost cutting to get these giants on top. Does the public really need the giant banking institutions? I have always preferred the smaller local community banks and credit unions. Sure they were a bit tighter on rules. But the power was pretty well equally matched. These smaller institutions understood they need the consumers as much as the consumers need them.
And as usual I am still waiting for a response from Bank Of America. I call Andre my HUD Counselor at least once a week or I email him for an update. Since Andre requested that I call him as opposed to the Bank directly. I am happy to oblige and let Andre do the representation he is trained to do and I am so appreciative for.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bank Of America is Haulting All Foreclosures

I heard on the news last night that Bank Of America is halting all foreclosures while it "investigates foreclosure guidelines" What that means to me is Bank Of America wants to find out how legally it can get more money out of the mortgage disaster without getting in trouble... I will send Andre an email and see what he has heard. So again the holidays are comming and how are families to get through it? Common sense says we must save save save. But the reality is many families can not save when the need to spend comes down to utilities, food and your basic happiness. Parents are going to want to have a happy holiday in the face of it possibly being the last holiday in their home. What a mess, I am so sorry for America. We are a nieve and trusting people who have been taken advantage of and now must do all we can to hold our heads up high and take back our country. From not only terrorist but our own Government that has proven time and time again that the dollar and re election has been a priority over the welfare and future of it's people. Talk is cheap we need action. We need experience, weather good or bad. I see the new candidates coming out of the woodwork as seeing the financial crisis as a loop whole and nothing more. If those candidates were interested in Government he or she would have already been involved and I mean physically involved not just via donations of money. Pay close attention and ask many many questions we are not going to get fixed easily and it will take several terms before we can trust again. It's our time to make the laws and make the Government stick to their promises. VOTE people.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Waiting For Bank Of America To Make A Desicion Is Excrutiating

This past week I have made several telephone calls to my HUD counselor. I know he is busy and at times did not have any news to give me. It took a couple of tries to reach him.But Andre did contact me and said that he had not heard yet but would give another call and then finally he is told that it is still in review and has a new negotiator. I ask Andre if getting shifted to "new negotiators" a common thing? Since I have already been given at least two "new negotiators" and this would make a third. I am told yes it is common. I asked of he thought I might get an answer before the upcomming holidays? Of coarse he does not know... But he did say that getting a quick response may not be a good thing. That Bank Of America typically takes a very long time to come to a desicion. None of this makes me feel any better. How are families to get through the holidays? How happy can the holidays be when families do not know if they will have a home the next year? What can homeowners do about this? VOTE in NOVEMBER! PLEASE.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Follow Up Phone Call...

A telephone call to my HUD Counselor Andre. Proves fruitless as expected. But I make the calls, I fear if I do not I will be seen as an irresponsible hoemowner. I know that sounds crazy when I'm clearly doing all that I can to recoup my happy house hold and start paying on my mortgage. I feel so inadequate in my current situation. Knowing that hundres, thousands and millions of other homeowners are in my same position does not help. In fact it causes greater fear. Because it makes me feel disillusioned, is this really happening? Are millions of families going to get displaced and lose shelter at our own governments hands? What do we call this man made disaster? Hurricane BUMA? (BU-Bush MA-Obama) Who will help us the strongest and supposedly one of the richest nations? Is there no one to come to our rescue? Sadley no. We must come together, take back the reins and govern ourselves.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm a little bit calmer today

I spoke with Andre my HUD Approved Counselor at The Sacramento Urban League and he has assured me it is not necessary to try to mail in a payment at this point with having to extend sale dates and all. He did not say that specifically but that was the point. His point were 1. Bank Of America will not accept a payment at this point. 2. As far as proof of trying to come to a resolution. Working with him is proof. 3. If I am not approved for the HAMP there are other alternatives still to turn to. Now I felt a little better and thanked him for his quick response. He confirmed todays sale date has been extended one more month... Though I am thankful to hear there are still options if I am denied. I am not ready to inquire about those options. I can not think about trying something else at this point. It would absolutely not make sense that I would not qualify for HAMP. I so do not want to go into another year of not knowing what my mortgage future holds. But I am almost certain that is likely to happen.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Should I mail a mortgage payment in to Bank Of America?

I emailed Andre my HUD Counselor tonight about trying to make a payment on my mortgage. I know that my file is in a certain computerized system within Bank Of America and finding the account in the payment center would not be likely. However that being said I would have proof that I have attempted to make my mortgage payments and I think if I had to go to court it would be a tool in my favor. I will see what Andre has to say tomorrow about my thoughts. I know what I expect him to say. I know what he has told me once alreaady. That since I am in foreclosure my payment would just be returned to me. But will it help me in court to show the effort?
Below is the email I sent to Andre.

"My brother keeps insisting I should mail my old mortgage payment amount to Bank Of America. That even if it is sent back to keep sendig in the $1460 each month in an attempt to pay. To keep all the documentation if the check is returned so I can show the court that I can make my payments and have attempted to make my payments but that Bank Of America will not work with me. His point is that it will look better if I have to go to court. I admit if I do this at least he is correct I will have proof of attemting to pay my mortgage and I will also feel like I am doing something finally.

I know you said that they will most likely just mail it back and I also know how convoluted the banks system is and the department that recieves mortgage payments most likely will not have my mortgage information n their systems.
But I am feeling pressure to do something.
My online search of any successful Bank Of America HAMPS through a HUD Counselor is not proving any helpful information. I am trying to find any support that can help me feel a little more confident that my HAMP will go through. I am hearing almost daily that more and more foreclosures are happening and the gossip is that banks are avoiding working with homeowners to try to shift the finanial outlook to benefit the investor. Some are speculating nothing will happen until after the new year. I could really use some words of guidance and support if you have any. Thank you, I will call you after work tomorrow"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Mid Week Follow Up Phone Call

I feel the stress come over me just thinking about the call I need to make today to my HUD counselor Andre. I do not think he will have any information for me since I am convinced the bank is doing all it can to postpone making any descisions on any of the Mortgage modifications. Mine included. I believe the bailout has given the banking institutions what they needed to sustain themselves for the most part and that foreclosing is carrying the banking institutions further along to wait out the economic crisis until it is favorable to the finacial institutions favor of coarse. I am putting the dissapointing call off untill this afternoon. I will however email Andre and let me home I will be calling later today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Waiting For A Response From B of A Is Killing Me.

I am doing the weekly telephone calls to Andre my HUD counselor and he is in turn calling the reviewer at Bank Of America. It feels like a cat and mouse chase. A series of no answers, awaiting returned telephone calls, left voice messages etc. etc. between myself, Andre and Bank Of America. I am dpressed and everything that happens in my life that is stressful just adds to the depression. Normally I am an upbeat high energy positive person. With all the un answered questions and crumbling lives around me. It is hard to stay positive and up beat. Wednesday my little brother informs me that while he thought he was still in negotiations with his bank. He has recieved a notice to vacate on his home. It is absurd that the departments do not communicate with each other. My brother had just sent in a new financial packet the week before. Isn't that saying you are still being reviewed?
My fear is that Bank Of America is pushing completion of my HAMP in the hopes that with more time the financial loss will be high enough for my HAMP to be denied. As it was reviewed by the HUD approved counselor that my "numbers" looked good and there is "no reason for me not to qualify". It is clear to me and from what I have read online and in the papers that the banks have their bail out money and also agreements in place with the government will compensate certain losses if they have to foreclose properties and the loss is below an agreed upon percentage. Why is this happening?! So basically the banks now evaluate if the investors will benefit by negotiating with the homeowner or by foreclosing and reaping the difference covered by the government. Am I hearing this right?! The homeowner is not even considered in the mix. It doesn't even matter that families everywhere are being displaced, that communities are falling apart. America will soon be owned and run by Investors and Corporations and families will be forced to rent only. If the banks would at least fast track the HAMP submissions by the HUD approved counselors then they could get money circulating again. Forget the "stimlus money" forget the banks moving money. It is just not going to happen. The Banks are waiting it out and homeowners are on hold with there files being shuffled from department to department. Documents are lost or the file is assigned to someone new and the financials have to be resubmitted. This is happening everyday, over and over again. Where is the government now?
And me, I wait through the "he is on vacation", " I left a message", "your still in review and they have all your documents", "I should hear something by Wednesday", " I have requested another extension of the sale date". I am disillusioned and left sad. I pray nightly and whenever I feel the need through out the day for a good outcome.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

WAITING STILL..... for B OF A to make a dicision

Two phone calls to Andre last week, one on Thursday and one on Friday get no results other then he was able to get the sale date extended again. I am told to call him for updates rather then Bank Of America directly. I must admit I prefer that as I am hoping Andre being the professional would give me some leverage being a HUD approved Counselor. Bank Of America should know that Andre has run the numbers and estimate value on my home and will see I am a good candidate for the HAMP.
With hearing from my nephew that there is talk of another financial bail out! Which the though alone makes me sick to my stomach. You can not help but think the reason so many banks are losing money and failing is because they hold thousands of mortgages that they will not accept the payment on since the homeowners are in forclosure. These financial institutions are not modifying or helping homeowners in a timely manner and it seems are waiting to get every dollar they can out of the property. Which of coarse is increasing the interest for the homeowner and placing the homeowner at a higher risk of losing their home. While these banks are getting no flow of income from all of these homes they have the nerve to ask for a bailout! Aren't they suppose to be bailing out so to speak the homeowners? I know common sense tells me that if the banks accept a lower payment from the homeowners then they cannot come back to the home owner and ask for a higher payment. But that would surely stimulate the economy better then our current government "stimulant" plan! And the reality is why should these institutions be allowed to hold mortgages and not have a government review process that can assure they are doing their best to assist all homeowners? Why is it that inside these banks the system of modifying or refinancing is so convoluted that some homeowners end up speaking to so many different people and departments that they get confused and discouraged. Where is the standard. Where is the quality control? Who is holiding thes banks accountable? Isn't that our governments job? What can we do to fix our government and take this problem back and enforce simple quality controls? And why did our government not do this and not foresee this? From what I have heard Allen Greenspan did warn our government in time for this whole mortgage process to be reviewed and thousands upon thousands of homes could have been saved!
Here's a thought, is it possible to sue our government for due process? After all we elect our government and the intent is that policies and procedures are to be put in place to protect the people Not the corporations over the people. Any thoughts on that?

Monday, August 23, 2010

More Waiting As My File Gets Shuffled Around

I speak to Andre today and am told he was just noting my file. He said that he spoke to the Rep. at Bank Of America and was told my file is being asigned to "the right person" and that there should be follow up contact by either Thursday or Friday. I ask if this is typical and should I have anything to worry about? Andre assures me not to worry that this is not uncommon.I am also told that he requested an extention of the sale date 8/30. I am so tired of feeling the weight of stress. I say thank you and try to go back to my day. It is not a wonder why more people have not had heart attacks from the stress alone. Still I figure no news is good news right? At least that is what I am praying for. The reality is what kind of life can one have when their afraid to spend on anything other then the absolute essentials? Any other kind of spending comes with guilt and regret since the not knowing leaves no room for enjoyment or indulgence. I'm not saying that I want to go out and spend money on things I don't need. I don't have that problem. But I do have a hard time keeping what little savings I am able to manage to save in the bank. Like this past week. My water heater broke so there goes several hundred dollars. And you can't even be sure you get to keep the house your putting money into! You can't take any chances this modification could go on for several more months so you do what you have to and replace it. Then the tags for the vehical that gets you to work and back are due. Yes it's a few hundred more. And before you know it your back down to $40 bucks in the bank. And up goes the stress as your diminished savings was at least a little comfort. Now there is no comfort. If I had my mortgage to pay at least I would be comforted knowing my mortgage is paid and I could borrow to cover the rest. But at this rate nope not a chance.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can Someone Sell Me On Meg Whitman?

I will admit I have not really applied myself to following Meg Whitman's stand on things. I do know that I have a feeling of concern when thinking of this woman who is a Billionaire and could certainly make a difference in America in many other ways why does she want to be Governor?I get the same feeling on Meg as I do with Obama. I had no trust in Obama, there were too many questions un answered and too many holes in his political career. With him I knew there was another agenda! And so far I feel I was correct and we have not seen the worst yet of Obamas storm. Of coarse I am American and believe in Democracy and support our President as best I can. I am saddened in my belief that it is the wrong leadership and we will have to do some serious changes in the upcoming elections.
Meg Whitman has done wonders for EBay. OK I get that, Many questions about her handling of porn have gone un answered. Why? why not just give us an honest answer? Why is Meg continuing to skirt around answers? Avoidance is where the gray area is and the gray area has dangerous plastered all over it. I would like to hear others take on Meg Whitman. Anyone? Anyone at all... I received an email this morning where a man was commenting how Castro never once mentioned he was communist, never saying he wanted to own and control the people....
America take note.

No Answer From Bank Of America

So far I have not had any of my phone calls to Bank Of America returned. This is unacceptable that a company making such a life changing decision on my families lives does not even return a telephone call with an update.
Phone calls from Andre at The Sacramento Urban League also have not been returned yet. Like most of America I am racked with stress and anxiety not knowing what will happen to my family if I am not approved. Knowing that I certainly can afford the payment which was suggested by Andre my HUD Counselor per his number crunching does not ease any of my concern. As I have learned dealing with Mortgage Companies their desicions do not always make sense and there is no one to question those decisions.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Still No Call From Bank Of America

The person assigned to review my account is Colby who has not returned any of my call's or Andre's. I am frustrated and left wondering why. Back in the day, when I was actually getting home buyers approved for home loans. You could get them easily approved when running their information through an online underwriting program. With this online approval you could get the Banks Underwriter to just review all the financials submitted and get fast tracked to drawing loan docs as the approval ment the loan fit into either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac guidelines. So I am left wondering why this is taking so long. It is or should be essentially the same. My financial information has been run through the "program" before submission. Being submitted by a HUD approved counseling center should tell the reviewer essentially that the couseling center has reviewed the homeowner's information and feels the homeowner would fit into a HAMP modification. Obama are you reading this!? Who really is monitoring these Coporate Institutions? Clearly it is NOT our Government.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still no word from Bank Of America

I am trying my best to keep the positive thoughts in the forefront. Still no word from Andre my HUD counselor. He has left a message one yesterday and again this morning for a follow up inquiry on my account with Craig at B of A. But he has not had a return phone call as of yet. Andre assures me my constant contact with him is invited as he is glad to have me be a constant participant in trying to get my account settled with the Bank. I am so thankful I have someone I feel I can trust to give me straight forward honest answers. I will try not to obsess about it today. The stress can not be good for my heart...

Friday, July 30, 2010

exteneded forclosure sale date AGAIN.

Andre was able to get Rodney too extend the sale date out 30 days. Something in over a year I was able to do only once. I thought it was sheer luck and for homeowners it is. But I am almost positive this extension of 30 days was stricly due to a HUD councelors request. I was told by my counselor Andre that Rodney at the HAMP directors office said he would call me the next day with the update that my sale date was extended. I have yet to recieve a call from Rodney. Andre was able to look up the sale date on the trustees website and saw that it was extended. To my relief I still have negotiating time. It is clear the system is not a system at all there is no clear structure as to the flow of a review process for any program within the banking instition. I felt the same when I was dealing with Wilshire even though at least at Wilshire they were able to offer me a temporary payment plan. Andre reviewed the paperwork on that original offer with Wilshire and informed me it was not a change in my original loan and while paying the lower payment penalties and unpaid amounts would be added onto my loan amount. So I guess it really was not an affordable plan after all as I would have still had to pay the taxes and insurance seperately too. Today I recieved a letter from Bank Of America. It is an offer for reinstatement of my original loan. You know the one that has no impounds... It has a break down of all fees and costs added while I have been in forclosure as well as all past due mortgage payments etc. It comes to over $43,000 dollars. So the bank must be thinking I will run out and finagle some creative financing and possibly put myself in a worse financial situation so they can get their money and I can keep my home. This is absurd. The HAMP program was ment so I thought to protect families like myself. I have a good career, the economy side tracked my finances and the housing market turned my loan upside down... So why is it NOT helping the thousands of families like me? I will continue to pray for the thousands of families suffering the economy and mortgage mess created thank you by our fabulous leaders and corporate giants that love to feed their own self endulgence with the little peoples paychecks. I hope that you also like me get the help you deserve.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Get Mortgage Help With The Sacramento Urban League

Today I met with Andre at the Fair Oaks office and per the program calculations " I should qualify for the HAMP" (Home Affordability Mortgage Program) With his help, he was able to get a hold of someone to fax directly my documentation and requested a extended sale date as mine is up on 7/29 and I have not been able to extend it at the trustee's level. Andre contacted Robbie at "The Program Directors Office" Robbie gave a fax # to fax everything directly to him and said that he would contact me by tomorrow with an extended sale date once the packet was recieved and that he will asign someone to review my packet for the HAMP. Andre of coarse has to give me the disclaimer that this is not a guarantee and that if I am contacted first by Robbie to contact Andre with any inormation. I am left hopefull since Andre has had some success with getting HAMP approvals. But at the same time I know it's not done until it's done... Andre said all the numbers we went over will not be forwarded with the file as the program has set numbers and figures based on number of household members. But in the case of a denial he then can argue the numbers. That is what scares me. What seems a cut and dry case to both he and I, can be misconstrude my another set of eyes. I keep praying and hoping for the right outcome.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Obama's response to my email, not helpful.

The White House - Presidential Correspondence to me
show details Jul 23 (2 days ago)


Thank you for writing. I have heard from Americans who
are unemployed, burdened by high medical bills, having difficulty
paying their mortgage, or dealing with the loss of their home, and I
understand the daunting challenges they face.

Today, even as our economy recovers, many individuals
and families are still struggling to stay in their homes. As part of
my Administration's comprehensive plan to stabilize the housing
market, the Making Home Affordable Program is helping
responsible families avoid foreclosure by making payments more
affordable and sustainable. While many Americans have received
help, far too many still cannot refinance their mortgages or obtain
loan modifications. We have made significant improvements to
our plan, and I encourage you to learn more by visiting the Making
Home Affordable website.

Along with these changes, we have strengthened the
program with a simpler, faster application process so borrowers
can modify their payments and avoid foreclosure. For Americans
whose homes have lost value, my Administration's plan improves
refinancing opportunities. We are also requiring more
accountability and transparency from participating mortgage
servicers, and have published servicers' monthly progress reports.
I will continue to meet with my economic advisors every day to
make sure we are doing all we can to get Americans the help they

For assistance with a home foreclosure or to find a local
housing counselor, I encourage you to call your mortgage servicer
directly, speak with a housing specialist at 1-888-995-HOPE, or
contact the Department of Housing and Urban Development at 1-
800-569-4287. You can also visit or If you have lost your home
and are looking for housing assistance please visit
Information on jobs, health benefits, and other public resources
available to those in need can be found by calling 1-800-FEDINFO
or visiting:

The road ahead is difficult, but as we recover from this
crisis, we can once again secure the American Dream for ourselves
and future generations.


Barack Obama

To be a part of our agenda for change, join us at

Please people vote for a new President at the next elections. Someone we have a clear understanding of what he stands for and where he came from. Maybe we can get help from the next President and fix the damage from this one...

The Home Affordable Program is not designed to help homeowners.

My neighbor referred me to Andre She said he is helping her with trying to get a mortgage loan modification and is happy with his help. I spoke with Andre yesterday. Even though the office was closed Andre was willing to speak with me and we set an appointment for Monday. Andre explained how the "HAMP" Home Affordability Mortgage Program works I was told that often homeowners income is calculated higher than it actualy is with the program and also that having equity in the home can backfire. I was told the HAMP is designed to tell the investor if it would be financially a sound descision to modify a loan or foreclose on a loan. I was left speechless and Andre agreed with my shock and feeling as the HAMP calculating guidelines will shut many homeowners out and force them to lose their homes. This cookie cutter program is only black and white. As we all know that just does not work for us as individuals nor will it work for our nation. I am thankful to Andre who through his calculations and listening and talking to me does think I may fit into the HAMP. It appears as though the Bank has not considered what my actual mortgage payment emcompassed and that alone could not qualify me for the HAMP program.
It is just not making sense that the calculations show a higher income and then your mortgage payment must be above 31% to qualify. It is in my opinion fraud, using false informtion to make a life changing descision. In my case the monthy income calculated for me was so high that if it were my income I would not be having any problems with my mortgage in the first place and my financial situation would be great! So essentually they bump up the income and if your current mortgage is already below 31% you do not qualify. Sounds like your set up to fail. No consideration was given to my deductions at all it is vased on gross. I am already thinking how can I help others, what can ve done?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Contacting HUD for help!

With almost every phone call to Bank OF America I have been given the HUD "Housing and Urban Development" telephone number. In the beginning of my many phone calls it sounded like Bank Of America was interested in helping me with an affordable modification of my home loan. I questioned a few BOA reps "how will the HUD counselors help?, will they do more then I am doing directly with you Bank OF America?" I was told no. So I felt working directly with BOA would and should get me results as I have been through a modification once before when I left the real estate industry and returned to my past career of Nursing. I was able to negotiate directly with my lender and given an affordable modification. But with the loss of my state job I ended up in the same financial situation and it took me much longer to get back on my feet. But since I have a strong career and ultimately returned to the company I was at when I bought my home over ten years ago. I thought that would be in my favor... Well no one is looking at "history" and with the run around and having to start all over three times with Bank Of America I have called the HUD line which was ultimately useless. The HUD number I was given asks for your zip code to direct you to the nearest HUD certified Counseling office. The computer system could not find a match and essentially was no help at all. A look online gave me the nearest office. I have an appointment for 8/4/10 I want to meet in person. I was offered counseling over the phone but declined. That just feels too impersonal and my home is very personal to me. How can they counsel someone without seeing verified documents of income and debt.? I don't understand that system. I was told the counseling is free and the counselor and myself would have a three way telephone meeting with my mortgage company to try to come to a resolution. I pray this helps.

I also searched online for any open lawsuits against Bank Of America as the run around is unacceptable and something has to be done about it. I can not believe the hope I have been given only to be shocked by not qualifying.

I also sent an email to Mr. Obama about my personal experience with the company he BAILED OUT with our money. I asked for his opinion as what to do from here and questioned him about the thousands of families that did not receive help from Bank Of American and what are they to do? I told him " I do not see how any of this is helping our communities" I figure if he can answer a little girls email on her getting BULLIED at school. Then he certainly can answer my email on getting BULLIED by the banks he bailed out!

Still in Mortgage Hell with Bank Of America!

I haven't written in a while because it just became too depressing to think about. Oh yes I continued my weekly and sometimes bi weekly calls and I would always get the same information which is there is no "new news, your faxes have all been received and you are still in review for modification" I have been reminded each time of the HUD telephone number and that I am being reviewed for the Obama, Making Home Affordable Program. But today I call after being told on my last call that "it looks like they are getting ready to make you an offer in the MHA program by Zack" I am told I do not qualify for the modification! I am floored by this information and the tears start to well up. My heart starts to pound out of my chest I am thinking there has to be a mistake! I can pay what was originally offered and I stated this several times in my letters and telephone conversations. Who is making these decisions!? Their wrong!After going around a few times with the agent trying to make sense of what just happened. I am informed that I was initially in review #1 for an "in house B Of A" payment plan to bring my account current but did not qualify so that was canceled. #2 I was then automatically put in review for an "in house B of A loan modification which I also did not qualify for being they were trying to give me an interest rate of 2.0% but still did not qualify for and was canceled. #3 NOW and for the FIRST time I will be reviewed for Obama's Making Home Affordable Program." I am left speechless. All this time I have documented every call and with who I spoke and all have said I am being reviewed for the MHA Program. Now according to Bethany a new package was mailed on 7/21 I will need to complete everything with current debt and income information provide all supporting documents and sign everywhere and mail back asap. I am told every cancellation of one program starts new in another. Information is not shared between departments. I find this to be shocking as the departments should communicate if even to see how involved the homeowners have been trying to save their homes and provide all the information they can. How does any of this help the community?
So once all my information is received the process could take another 4 to 6 months. For all this time I could have been making payments towards my mortgage and saving interest added to my balance!
And I have to keep calling to extend my foreclosure sale date. I ask Bethany "if the company is reviewing me for another 4 to 6 months why not request a sale postponement till that time?" I am told "they can not, it can postpone anywhere from 2 weeks to indefinite." What ever happens happens essentially. So these people who work for the mortgage end of these banks are they MBA? Do they have years of experience understanding homeowners needs? I know for fact this is not the case. Just who is making this life decision for me and my family? Who is making this life decision for all of us? I know to qualify for the MHA program your mortgage payment can not be more then 31% of your gross income. I also know I should qualify for this easily. So I am terrified as to why I am not in a program.
I thought I would have been paying my mortgage by now and that Bank Of America would see I can afford some kind of payment on my home. Since I am getting the run around I am turning to my neighbor. My neighbor is in the same situation. Single mom, divorced and trying to save her home. She just two days ago told me of a reputable company working with her mortgage company to push efforts to resolving an affordable mortgage. I am going to get whatever help I can. This is not acceptable.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mortgage Modification Review Continues

This past couple of weeks I have faxed my most current check stubs, received another letter asking for my regular monthly mortgage payment and spoke with a couple different Customer Service Rep.s Both rep.s checked the status updates in the system, seeing no new information, updates or document requests. I am told to call Friday to confirm the sale dates has once again been extended as it is noted just 2 hours ago in the acct. that a request was put in. I am glad to hear my acct. is being worked on. I am told I am in review for the "home affordable plan" I do hope I am approved for this as I think it is a better modification then if the bank just gave me one of their modifications which don't have the strict government guidelines. My biggest fear would be that it would change randomly as I have heard this from other people getting modifications from banks. I do not see why I would not qualify. So I wait and keep praying.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I Got A Scary Letter In The Mail

Today I received a letter from Bank Of America home retention dept. The letter read thank you for your patience in awaiting the modification review process. However I am expected to make my monthly payments on time or it could affect future decisions on my loan. Of coarse I freaked out. So I got on the phone immediately, I spoke with Spencer and was told to ignore the letter and keep calling weekly. I am still in review. Spencer was encouraging saying to save my funds for the program decision when it comes. I am still very confident I will get an affordable work out plan. So I still wait.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Will The Government Help Stop Compound Interest?

Is anyone going to do anything about the added interest in these home loans? The modification process is taking months almost 2 years in some cases. From my experience the lender will not accept payment during this process. Which means that there is compounding interest daily on the past due amount as well as late fees! Who will help the homeowners with this? Why are these corporate investors allowed to do this? Can't limits be set? Homeowners trying to get back their homes after a devastation to their income and pending foreclosure are not in a position to negotiate... Lenders are adding thousands of dollars to these loans. Where is the governments stand on this?
All I can say is GET OUT AN VOTE at the next elections we need to clear the house out and get individuals that have a clear objective to help the consumers and not anyone that comes with drama from the gate like where they were born! Can I say get a clue people! I didn't vote Obama and am proud to say my gut is never wrong. If you pray, now is the time to pray for our future.

Exhaling For a Minute While I Wait

I spoke with David this morning in the home retention dept. David confirmed I am still in review. David was very friendly and I felt support when answering his questions about my hardship and the cause of missed payments. David informed me of the number of missed payments and I confirmed that BAC keeps in mind that number is also due to the Lender not accepting payment of any kind once you go into modification review. David said yes BAC is aware of that and it will have no bearing on the review process. But that they want the consumer to be aware of the figure. That made sense. I felt good talking to David who assured me BAC tries to keep homeowners in their homes. I am told to call every 7 to 10 days for follow up on any updates in the file. So I continue to wait.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Faxed tax documents

I keep my file as current as I can with financial documents.3/11/10 I just did my taxes and sent those in with my most current check stub. This is a never ending but necessary step. 3/12/10 I spoke with Mike in home retention, I was told my account is still under manager review and to call back to extend the sale date next week.
So I do 3/15/10 I speak with Evelyn in home retention Evelyn is able to verify "it looks like all your financials have been received" Evelyn sent a request to extend the sale date via email to the foreclosure dept. I was told to follow up with the foreclosure dept given that number and told to call Wednesday.
3/17/10 I spoke with Amanda in the foreclosure dept. She said no one has been assigned to my acct. yet but that it takes typically 120 business days to completion a review for modification. I am told the sale date has been extended for a month. Finally no more week to week extension. Amanda suggests I call once a week. I will stick to every two days just to be sure...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finally A Little Breathing Room

This morning I grab a cup of coffee before that tightness in my neck starts upon anticipation of the phone call to Bank of America home retention dept.

I speak with Wayne a very nice young man. I am told there is no sale date or history of postponement in the system. Neal can not verify who the Attorneys are either when he is told the I personally spoke with the Attorneys to verify the postponement. He notes in my account our conversation and the new sale date I give him. And tells me to call on Friday.
Neal "welcomed me on board" and said " I hope you enjoy your stay with us, we will do everything possible to give you a modification" I jokingly ask for this in writing.Neal gives me the number to HUD and says "they also have many programs to offer and B of A does modifications with them" I am feeling hopeful. Thank you Wayne.

Day Of Pending Sale!

I am on the telephone at 5 am. I was told this is when they are open. Customer Service that is.
0500 I spoke with Terri I am still not found in the system "call back at 0900" I requested a Supervisor and spoke to Brandon and was told there shows no sale date and the Attorneys are not in the office yet to confirm. "call back at 0900" He did verify all faxes from me were received.
0900 I spoke with Markita she tried to call the Attorney and got a voice mail. Martika emailed her Supervisor and told me to call every two hours.
1100 I spoke with Neal I am told there is no sale date in the system. Neal tried the Attorneys again but did not get through. Neal said he spoke to "someone about escalating the file" I was given 2 telephone numbers and told to contact the Attorneys directly the numbers were to Sam Shannonberger LPS I got a voice message. I tried the number on the old paper work of over a year ago and was able to speak directly with the Attorneys office and verified the sale was postponed. The number I used was not either of the numbers I was given by Neal.
After a long sigh of relief. I decided to give it at least 24 hours before a follow up call since I was told no one has been assigned to my file as of yet.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Strangers knocking at my door!

My stomach aches beyond explanation. A man at my door wants to ask me questions about my house. At least he turns away easily with an apology offered as well. Others have not been so nice. Investors hoping to pick up my home are pushy and try to get all their words in before I shut the door or hang up on the phone. I am familiar with their disgusting tools. Consumers like me are hoping for a deal. It hurts just the same.
I was just starting to relax and not think about the pending sale to which I am in limbo at stopping thanks to both Wilshire and Bank of Americas poor planning and lack of compassion or protection for home owners currently in modification review. Where do we go and who do we turn to for reliable timely help?

Can I stop the sale of my home the day of the sale?

As per instructed I call this morning only to get a recording telling me the restricted hours to contact and of coarse I did not hear of these restrictions before. I missed them by 2 minutes! They are EST I am PT... So I sit and I wait to see if calling at 5 am tomorrow will stop the sale the same day.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Still praying to stop the sale of my home of 10 years

Friday I speak with Shakir a nice gentleman that insists I have to get the Lawyers info. For B of A to stop the sale as there is no way B of A has any record of my status without the Wilshire records which will not be "boarded" into their system until Sat. I insist I have never dealt with any Lawyer only to find out that who I thought was my Lender is actually the Lawyers for my Lender. So all I know is my "Lender" is a group of investors... I called "The Lawyers and was told that they are the Lawyers for Bank Of America too and to have Bank Of America Contact them to stop the sale. I do and of coarse I am told again no such account is accessible and there is nothing can be done. Call back Sat. to the Home Retention Dept. They are in by 5 am. But I am told to expedite things fax all my financials into B of A so it takes all night to get together but I faxed. So when I call they will have it per Gina in Home Retention. But unbeknown to me Customer service is who handles the upload of faxes and their are not available on weekends so I could not get any information with my call Sat. morning. I spoke with Pryaankka who is in India... She actually was most helpful in quelling my stress. I am told by Priyaankka that it takes 24 to 48 hours for faxes to be uploaded for her dept. Home Retention to get access but that she understands once scanned into their system even if they can not find my account. With the loan number they can still input the financials.And when this happens it is standard procedure to stop any pending sale date. However I am told to call back Monday morning...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

There is hope within Bank of America walls

From the blog of I see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Thank you Dianne.

I spoke to B of A Foreclosure Dept.

I finally got a new account number from the Customer Sales Rep. Sam.He actually asked if I had any urgent concerns, I told him about my sale date and lack of information. He said though my loan documents or other information is not on file he was able to give me a loan number. And said I really need to talk to "the foreclosure dept" then I was transferred to Gerome. Gerome could not find me in his system but said "the sale would most likely be postponed" I asked if Wilshire properties missed the postponement and were sold could happen? Gerome said yes, it happened today! I almost fell out of my chair!. Gerome said it is 100% a legal issue. He said Wilshire has it's own Lawyers and Bank of America has it's own Lawyers. He said since Wilshire is no longer a company Lawyers at Wilshire are working for free once the loans are transferred with B of A. Gerome tried to assure by saying the procedure "should" that the property does not go to sale. But I need to talk to the legal department asap. He gave me the number to call but it will have to be tomorrow when they are open (of coarse my work hours)Gerome asked if I had spoken to the legal department at Wilshire I said never. But I was still encourage to try to get verification from Wilshires legal team. So I tried to call Wilshire but at this hour the line is perpetually busy...
I do not have non tense bone in my body.

A Bank of America search online for success

When I told my brother my new loan servicer is Bank of America he said they will not help me. My brother had many colorful descriptions for B of A. I of coarse am hoping this is not the case. I went online to look for success stories but did not find any other than banking So this is what prompted me to start this blog to seek out support and share my success. As I am working and can afford my home and should not be denied even though Home Affordable denied me...
I did come across this blog
It was informative and scary at the same time.

Too Many Missed Faxes

I finally rushed out to fax my most recent check stub to my old loan servicer Wilshire.I was told not to fax to Wishire by their Customer Service to wait for direction from the new servicer BAC but I never got any direction and am in limbo as I stated in my last entry...
So to hopefully avoid the dreaded "we never recieved it" I faxed to Wilshire and as soon as I get a fax number from Bank of America I will fax it to them.
I am trying to be completely up to date to avoid any mis haps.
It cost me $3.00 but I am awaiting Comcast to fix my phone line so my home fax is out of use at the moment.

My mortage modification experience

I like so many others, found myself without a job. I was let go in August 2008. I fell into a bit of a depression I’m sure, before finally finding employment and attempting to get my financial situation back in order. A brief history about me
Shortly after moving to Sacramento I left employment at the hospital that has given me my great job back and hopefully saved me from loss of my home. I had been recently licensed as a Real Estate Agent and my plan was to educate others how they can get an affordable mortgage, explaining options and not over charge people simply because I can. Yes I understand the back end of lending and have seen how corrupt it could be and how driven by the dollar people were. It was ugly, needless to say I was a poor agent. I found out quickly people were not trusting and were easily swayed by “the fast talkers” I was not a sales person I was and am not into convincing anyone I am honest. So when the market crashed I got into trouble with my own mortgage and needed to return to work which I did. Things were looking good. Then I was let go.
Here is my timeline of trying to work out a loan modification starting with Wilshire Credit Corp. a loan servicer. My lender is Quality Loan Service Corp. of San Diego Ca.
While on unemployment I struggled with mailing in whatever I could afford knowing as long as payment was accepted foreclosure was halted. But the threatening loss of lights, heating, and the loss of my vehicle were rearing its ugly head I had to choose family first. I do have two children at home, if it were only me I would have fell to darkness and probably more depression.
5/30/2009 I typed up a letter of explanation and faxed it to Wilshire Loan Workout Dept. This letter explained that I now had two jobs, went in detail of my income from both jobs. Explained how I got into the financial situation in detail that I was currently in. I included both Managers names and phone numbers for verification. I described the loan I was in (a 2 yr ARM principal and interest only) I asked that I be considered for an affordable fixed mortgage with taxes and insurance included(impounds). I added that I missed place my W2’s and would fax them when found. I faxed a total of 43 pages including, all tax documents except mentioned w2’s (but my known income was included), my financial statement, 1 month current check stubs, front and back all pages of 3 months bank statements. I am told this could take as many as three months for review.
7/1/2009 I receive a certified packet, it is my loan modification offer from Wilshire. I am initially excited to see an affordable payment but then am immediately afraid because I do not see how I can get the down payment up in 20 days. I know it’s not a lot that the lender is asking but I didn’t have it. No loan terms are mentioned only that there will be a 5 month trial period. I do not sign it or mail the documents back.
8/7/2009 I received a letter with this date at top. It is a request for income verification documents. The letter told me I am in review for “The Federal Governments Home Affordable Modification Program.
8/19/2009Spoke to Hector at Wilshire, I am told my account is still in review to expect a packet from The Home Affordable Program by the end of August or July and follow the directions in the packet.
9/28/2009 Spoke with Sara at Home Affordable, Sara verified there is no scheduled sale date, but there were no updates noted in my account yet and to call back in two weeks.
10/17/2009 received a call from Wilshire I spoke with Beverly. I was informed there was no sale date. Beverly said I needed to request a VPO to have someone at Wilshire do a Property Value In comparative housing. Beverly spoke with a “Hope Officer” and said call Monday for status.
10/19/2009 I missed Customer Service by 9 minutes when I finally got home to call.
10/20/2009 Spoke to Sara at Wilshire.
11/02/2009 Spoke with Leo who said I have a sale date of 11/12/09 to submit for postponement of sale date 7 days before and that he could not make a request yet. To call back every Monday or at least before 11/19/09.
11/2/2009 I am not really sure what dept. I was speaking with here at one point My lender had to add home owners insurance fees onto my loan because I could no longer keep up with my policy. So When I returned to work I faxed my policy in and thought all was great turns out there are different dept.s that do not communicate with each other and I was charged for several months for homeowners insurance when I had paid coverage. This was a mess. On this date I had my State Farm Agent fax verification to My lender this of coarse took several days to get it right and I finally am told any overage will be refunded to my account, it will take 35 to 45 days to change. Of coarse I have not heard anything and to be honest can’t even think about this.
11/03/2009 Spoke with Jean at Home Affordable who told me I was denied on 10/18/09, I was shocked no one had called me. It turned out that the wrong income was noted in my account. I was told there was no Officer assigned yet to call back on Friday 11/06/2009.
11/16/2009 Spoke with Mike at Wilshire am told sale date is extended to 1/19/2009 and to keep calling every week for status.
11/25/2009 Spoke with Davia at Home Affordable I am told I am in review which started the beginning of Nov. And it takes 45 to 60 days for each review. But that no Officer was assigned yet to my account. Davia said she will try to get an Officer assigned and to call back the middle of
December like the 18th.
12/23/2009 Per Isaac at Home Affordable am told I was denied I never received a call even though they show in the account that someone left a message on 12/21/09. So I was back at Wilshire for review I faxed 2 mo. Bank statements, 2 most recent bank statements front and back, 2 most current check stubs, 2007 tax returns and 2008 tax returns with a letter of explanation. I am told the sale date now is set for 1/19/09 and I must request a postponement not sooner than 1/11/09 but that I should call every two weeks for a postponement date. And after faxing all the docs to wait a week to verify they were received and in the system. I did this. I am told this could take 10 weeks and it started on 12/21/09.
1/05/2010 Tasha at Home Affordable said review time is 6 to 10 weeks, keep sending in all updated documents. I was told the mortgage offered cannot be more than 31% of my income.
1/07/2010 I call the property tax line to assure they are not due. I have been worrying that my modification will not be complete before these are due as I cannot pay until I know what my lender wants each month. First installment will be due 4/10/2010 I pray this is complete before then.
1/11/2010 Spoke with Robert to request a sale date extension and was told to refax my bank statements. Robert informed me that my complaint of no contact( not even on my recorder) was due to the computerized system taking the home number in it’s automation. That it does not recognize any other number in the account even though all letters and calls request contact via cell phone. Robert kindly removed my home number from record.
1/11/2010 Faxed to Wilshire front and back of my 2 mo. most recent bank statements and 3 most recent check stub’s. To both the rush fax line and the regular in house fax line. A total of 37 pages.
1/12/2010 I return a message to Wilshire there is no Home owners insurance on file. Again I rush fax verification.
1/13/2010 Spoke to Laray there is no verification of insurance in file. Can’t request postponement of sale till this is verified! UGH Laray takes the time to clear this up for me and puts in a request for postponement. I am told it will take another 30 days for review, call back on the 18th to verify all faxes received and postponement of sale.
1/20/2010 Spoke to Crystal at Wilshire, updated account info. Postponed till March 8th I am told I can call 7 days before sale date for another postponement request. But to call again at least by Feb. 25th to check status. Crytal confirmed the review usually takes 40 to 60 days I am told I am in 20 days review time which started on 12/21/09.
1/21/2010 most recent check stub faxed to Wilshire.
1/24/2010 faxed most recent bank statements and check stub to Wilshire.
2/12/2010 I received a letter of notice of assignment, sale, or transfer of service to BAC Bank of America.
2/08/2010 – I Spoke with Kevin at Wilshire a Customer Service Rep. I was told my loan was sold to Bank of America for servicing and not to worry that I am with the same lender it’s just the servicing. Like I ever deal with the lender… but I guess that was a good thing. Kevin said that by March first I would be dealing with Bank of America and that I would need to contact B of A 3/1/10 for follow up and that my loan remains in review. Kevin confirmed all my financial documents were received and up to date in the file. Any financials sent in would be forwarded to the new servicer. Kevin kindly commented maybe B of A will have more programs to offer.

2/24/2010 I spoke with Tasha a Customer Service Rep. at Wilshire I was told my loan was sold and the sale date of 3/8/10 would “most likely” be postponed automatically on transfer to the new servicer but she could not guarantee this. The transfer date was 3/1/10 and to contact the new servicer for follow up. It is still in review.
3/2/2010 I spoke with Myra at Bank of America who tells me there is still no record of me in the system and confirms what I was told the day before that access to the Wilshire loans will not be until the 8th. Myra also could not verify if my sale date would be extended. Myra does tell me when I question if it’s common for Banks to by bad loans. Myra says “when batches of loans are sold to B of A, B of A is not told if that lender is making any modifications of those loans or anything else”. Unable to verify if there is an automatic postponement of sale Myra used my social security number to try to find my loan but had no success. I am told to call everyday to see if I may have got into the system earlier. Myra informs me I am not the only one that several people with Wilshire have been calling trying to get more information on their loans. She does her best to console me as I explain the stress and anxiety I am having since being denied twice by the “HOME AFFORDABLE” program Myra explains that B of A has many programs and if I qualify I will go on a short trial period of maybe 3 to 4 months. I feel lost but the kind words helped a little for about two hours. After the call by two hours I am remembering the farce of what I went through with Obamas HOME AFFORDABLE program. A computer system that allows for depersonalization of home owners and attempts to put a round peg in a square hole.

I am now brain dead reliving this, there are no words. Can you say anxiety?

My Lender will not take payments...

I sat down this morning with a cup of coffee. Logged on to my laptop ready to finish writing about my mortgage history when a girlfriend called. She also was let go by the state of Ca. and is in a panic looking for work and trying to maneuver the Employment Development Dept.(EDD) I spent more then two hours on the phone with her listening to her concerns about weather she should take a job that would pay her what she is to receive in unemployment benefits but would require hours that would not allow her to search for employment in her Nursing field. In other words middle of the day and every weekend hours. It is a catch 22 does anyone have the right answer? I feel her stress through the phone. After trying to give her what supportive words I can she asks how I am doing... I explain... she gives me the best supportive words she can find and we decide to meet Friday night for coffee.
My friend said well as long as your making payments they can't sell. I informed her that Wilshire stopped accepting payments when I fell too far behind. At first I was told any payments received will go into a "holding account" until it reaches the amount due at that time would be applied to my loan. But in my situation there were times I had to keep utilities on and could not send anything in towards my mortgage loan. This is the plight on people on unemployment. It just isn't enough to go around. I so much want to send in payment I know what I can afford now that I have been back at work for sometime. What lenders don't understand is that people are living pay check to paycheck and when your financial situation has been devastated by unemployment. You are in a constant state of catch up. Every bill that you have is adding late fees each month and in some cases you are barely making a dent in the past due balances. I consider myself one of the "lucky ones" as I do not have any credit cards so I am not seeing that kind of mounting debt. But as you know there is the constant threat of having utilities shut off... So when my Wilshire finally offered me a modification, I did not have the $3,000 deposit it requested... I will explain that more in detail when I can finally get back to my mortgage time line. For now I have been missing calls from another girlfriend (a Nurse) that also was let go by The State of Ca. and is in a perpetual state of up an down moods. I try to be a rock of support for these women. I will let my brain breathe a minute from my own situation to call this friend back and give supportive words and then I will call my sister who like the rest of my family is unemployed as well as her boyfriend. I haven't talked to my sister in about a week so I need to check in. I hope I can get my mortgage time line on my blog today!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I don't believe it! I didn't save the document I started and lost all the writing I did so far. UGH, my brain hurts. I will continue tomorrow the word doc that will inevitable be much much longer then the two pages I lost.
I did make a call to Bank of America and spoke with Jon in customer Service (a woman) Jon could not find me in the system yet either via a social security check and a property address check. I explained my concern about my sale date on 3/8/10 and that no one is able to confirm the postponement. Jon spoke with a Supervisor and returned to say the Supervisor said there is a 99% guarantee that the sale will be postponed. I of coarse am not happy with 99%. Jon read from an side notification verbatim " all loan information on loans purchased from Wilshire will be available 3/8 there is limited information currently" Then Jon went on to say B of A purchased 120,000 loans from Wilshire and any loan in modification with Wilshire will continue at B of A and will not start over.
I am hoping for the same offer Wilshire offered me before sending me to Home Affordable. But I will explain that tomorrow. My mind is swimming for now...

testing post

I have spent most of my morning trying to figure out the best blog and how to get it's feed onto my face book. Needless to say I am not a technical person. So you will read the most recent post today was actually written yesterday because I transferred it from the original blog. I decided to go back to Blogger as I am familiar with this format and I think I can now focus on sharing my story. I look forward to hearing from other home owners. I ask that people who seek to offer their services to the home owner bloggers stay far far away as you will be deleted, denied and told to go away. This is not for you.

I need help

I have a feeling of desperation in wanting to talk to someone anyone that can tell me there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am actually eager to share my story about my personal mortgage odyssey. As of 3/1/2010 I was told Bank of America owns the servicing on my loan. But both yesterday and today's phone calls to Bank of America have been fruitless. They do not have record yet of my loan. I am told by both to keep checking back. I am exhausted and can not think anymore. I am hungry and tired after a long day of work. Tomorrow I will attempt to share my mortgage odyssey with you in detail. Words of encouragement would be great if you have any... do you have any experience dealing with Bank of America in a home modification?
I think I can blog on facebook with this tool, so I look forward to building supporters I am unsure yet if you can reply back here. I will know more tomorrow.